Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sec 4B PE schedule for Week 7

Yes boys, yes boys- I have heard your passionate plea.
Now that we have covered what we need to for SA1, let's spend the last one week before exams doing what we love best.

So here's our plan for Week 7:

Mon 1120-1230:
Futsal in Parade Square
Please wear your yellow and black PE attire

Tue 1010-1045:
Go over Online Test
In class

Tue 1305-1415:
Revision for SA1
Team Elimination- Class is split in 2 teams
Teams craft questions for other teams to answer.
Winning Team gets a 'shot' at the other team

Thu 0935-1045:
NAPFA 5-Station Test
Please be in PE Attire

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