Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tour to Bedok NEWater Plant

Organised by Mr Su Ronghua, the VS ASEAN and A*Star Scholars visited the Newater Plant in Bedok.
26/05/2009 - Share on Ovi

It was the first time I had also been to the NEWater facilities and so it was a good eye-opener for me:

The plant was very well set-up and lots of thought and design had gone into it to make it visitor friendly as well as to be interactive for students.
26/05/2009 - Share on Ovi
Our Lower Sec boys definitely enjoyed themselves with some of the hands-on activities there

Most importantly, our guide, Mr Herbert, gave us a distinct breakdown of the various steps and stages in turning raw water into NEWater:

The boys and I definitely enjoyed ourselves and the guided tour of the facilities showed students process of ultra filtration, reverse osmosis and UV water treatment to turn raw water into Newater definitely helped to give the ASEAN/A*Star Scholars an idea of the challenges Singapore faces in terms of limited resources.
I am sure this will help them in their Social Studies as they explore how Singapore overcomes our various social, economical and politcal challenges
26/05/2009 - Share on Ovi

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